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自2006年以来,长江豚类极度濒危的生存状况得到广泛关注,在其自然保护区实施一系列生态修复工程,为镇江长江豚类省级自然保护区内的江豚提供良好的生存环境。于2015—2018年在和畅洲水域建设生态浮岛、人工鱼巢和放流底栖动物进行水域生态修复,对生态修复工程进行跟踪监测和效果评价。结果表明:生态浮岛的建设可提高区域内浮游植物和浮游动物的生物多样性和群落结构复杂程度;人工鱼巢对产黏性卵鱼类具有一定增殖效果,增殖种类主要为鲤、鲫、䱗和黄尾鲴;生态浮岛和人工鱼巢的建设对鱼类均有较好的聚集效果;底栖动物增殖放流显著增加了放流物种的丰度、生物量及保护区底栖动物群落生物量,增殖放流效果评价为中等。该自然保护区水域生态修复效果明显,为工程施工影响下水生生物保护区生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   
吕梁山地区地形垂直差异明显,植被对气候变化反应敏感,研究吕梁山地区植被物候变化,探索植被物候变化与气候的响应关系,旨在为高海拔山区植被物候研究和生态治理提供借鉴。基于2000—2015年MODIS NDVI时间序列数据,通过动态阈值法提取吕梁山地区的植被物候,对气温、降水进行空间插值,并对植被2个关键物候期与气候因素进行偏相关分析。结果表明:(1)植被生长季开始日期(the start of the growing season,SOS)提前的区域约占85.7%,其中16.2%显著提前;植被生长季结束日期(the end of the growing season,EOS)推迟的区域约占90.6%,其中33.3%显著推迟。(2)区内74.8%、87.7%植被SOS分别与气温、降水呈负相关,气温升高或降水增加,植被SOS提前。植被SOS在高海拔山区受4月气温影响显著,而低海拔地区受4月降水影响显著。(3)区内72.6%、65.1%植被EOS分别与气温、降水呈正相关,气温升高或降水增加,植被EOS推迟。植被EOS在北部和西部地区受11月气温影响显著,而高海拔地区受9月降水影响显著。2000—2015年吕梁山地区植被物候发生显著变化,各地区对气温、降水的响应不同,研究结果可为区域物候、气候变化研究和陆地生态治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
当前立体绿化在国内多个大中城市中得到了蓬勃发展,促进了相关配套产品的研发和推广应用,同时新型的配套产品又推动了立体绿化的快速发展。本文对华南地区立体绿化基质产品、蓄水种植容器、植被毯、绿墙、生态植被砖等相关配套产品的研发及应用情况展开综述,旨在为今后能更有效地推广立体绿化集成技术及相关产品提供参考。  相似文献   
European nase (Chondrostoma nasus) is a specialist riverine fish, characterised by a complex life cycle making it vulnerable to habitat degradation. Recent findings indicate that, analogously to salmonids, the interstitial zone quality may pose a serious bottleneck for successful recruitment of this species. In this study, nase eggs were exposed to different substrate qualities. First, standardised substrate mixtures with differing fine sediment additions were used. Second, we tested different homogenous gravel fractions for their influence on egg development and emergence success. In both setups, substrate composition significantly affected emergence success, timing of emergence and larvae size at emergence. In the substrate mixtures, emergence was most successful in substratum with no fine sediment addition (98%) and decreased to 55% in substratum with 20% fine sediment addition. Emergence was most successful in the coarsest fraction (93%) and decreased to 47% in the finest fraction. Over all treatments, the time between hatching and emergence from substrate differed by up to 156 degree days, thereby indicating that free embryos of nase use the shelter of the interstitial zone for early ontogeny. These results suggest that a loose and porous stream bed can positively contribute to the development success of eggs and larvae and thereby potentially improve the recruitment of nase populations. It is thus important to consider the substrate and interstitial conditions in the conservation and restoration management of this rheophilic cyprinid.  相似文献   

Salinity and drought stresses are critical for Phaseolus vulgaris L. growth and development. They affect plants in various ways, including tissue mineral element content. Micro- and macro-elements in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (cv. ‘Blue lake’ and cv. ‘Terli’) subjected to deficit irrigation and salinity treatments were investigated, both analytically and with regards to their effect on the leaves’ spectral reflectance. B (boron), K (potassium), Mn (manganese), Na (sodium), Si (silicon) and Zn (zinc) appeared to be influenced by stress factors, mainly responding to salinity increase. The leaf spectral reflectance of the plants appeared to be significantly correlated with most of the elements under investigation. Multivariate regression identified a relationship of the reflectance at particular regions of the spectrum with phosphorus and NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and indicated a significant correlation with B, Fe (iron), K, Mn, P (phosphorus) and Zn. Moreover, customized spectral indices, exhibiting significantly high correlation with B, Fe, K, Mg (magnesium), Mn, Na, P, Zn and N (nitrogen), were developed.  相似文献   
【目的】为了更好地利用半干旱黄土丘陵区的土地资源,促进该区域植被恢复,提高生物多样性,使区域生态环境有所改善。【方法】以半干旱黄土丘陵区龙滩流域的植被为研究对象,对该流域11种典型的土地利用类型(2种农地、自然荒草地、人工牧草地、撂荒草地、灌木林地、5种乔木林地)的植被物种组成和多样性进行了调查研究。【结果】流域内共调查到种子植物56科166属254种,其中裸子植物门3科7属13种,占流域总科、总属、总种的5.36%、4.22%、5.12%;被子植物门53科159属241种,占流域总科、总属、总种的94.64%、98.78%、94.88%。在被子植物门中,双子叶植物纲有50科134属205种,单子叶植物纲有3科25属36种,两纲物种分别占流域总种数的80.71%和14.17%,占该门物种总种数的85.06%和14.94%。不同土地利用类型植被多样性分析结果表明,物种丰富度表现为农地物种丰富度低,人工牧草地、撂荒草地和灌木柠条林地居中,乔木林地(山杏、山毛桃、油松、侧柏、青杨)和天然荒草地高;物种多样性表现为马铃薯农地的物种多样性低,覆膜农地、人工牧草地、撂荒草地及灌木柠条林地居中,自然荒草地和乔木林地比较高;物种均匀度表现为农地、撂荒草地、人工牧草地及灌木柠条林地的均匀度高,自然荒草地居中,乔木林地低。【结论】不同土地利用方式和植被演替恢复时间差异是产生植被多样性差异的基础,也是该区域植被恢复和物种多样性保护需要考虑的重要要素。  相似文献   
草原火是草原生态系统重要的干扰因子,严重影响着系统的结构与功能。基于遥感数据,以2015年“4·16”特大草原火灾为例,利用ENVI和ArcGIS等软件,分别对NDVI和GPP指数及火烧严重度下的植被恢复过程进行定量分析。结果表明,基于NDVI和GPP指数的火后植被恢复过程表现相似,不同年份植被恢复情况存在一定差异。火灾发生当年(2015年)火烧迹地植被恢复状况高于未发生火灾区域,而在火后第1年(2016年)却又稍低于未发生火灾区域,直到火后第2年(2017年),火烧迹地植被基本恢复到火前状态。同时,不同火烧严重度下的植被恢复过程在存在明显差异。草原火灾发生后当年(2015年),中强度火烧下植被恢复最好,其次是轻度,重度表现最差。草原火烧严重度对植被恢复的影响,主要表现在火后第1个植被生长季。在之后的年份里,由于草原更新能力强大,不同火烧严重度对草原植被的影响不明显。本研究可丰富草原火灾及火烧迹地植被恢复等相关研究成果,同时为草原火灾管理和草原生态系统的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
1. Crayfish are culturally and ecologically important species in freshwater ecosystems, but many are now threatened with extinction, due to threats such as habitat loss. Depending on their habitat selectivity and sensitivity, freshwater crayfish could provide effective targets for stream monitoring, restoration and conservation. This study used repeated field surveys of the threatened Murray crayfish, Euastacus armatus (family Parastacidae), to establish their habitat preferences and sensitivity to habitat loss across mesohabitat and microhabitat scales within upland streams of south‐east Australia. 2. Selectivity analysis revealed that upland populations of E. armatus displayed a strong preference for areas of intermediate water flow velocity, deeper water, and stream beds dominated by boulders and gravel. Variations in E. armatus density among and within the two upland streams aligned with these microhabitat preferences, with best‐subsets analyses revealing that E. armatus abundance hotspots were best predicted by models combining water depth with percentage cover of boulders, gravel and overhanging riparian vegetation. 3. Major shifts in stream habitat condition from 2009 to 2015 (e.g. 32% and 50% decline in boulder and overhanging vegetation cover, respectively) was associated with a 91% decline in E. armatus mean density within glide‐pool mesohabitats. 4. These findings highlight how habitat specialization in threatened crayfish such as E. armatus may render them sensitive to changes in stream habitat condition, and how targeted monitoring, restoration and conservation of their preferred habitats could yield multiple benefits for montane freshwater ecosystems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  1. Invasions by non‐native species can compromise the conservation value of otherwise pristine headwater streams. While both developed and developing countries recognize this threat, few of the latter have suitable budgets to implement control programmes.
  2. This study assessed the effectiveness of a mechanical project to remove non‐native rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss from a 6 km section of the upper Krom River, a small headwater stream in the Cederberg Mountains in South Africa's Cape Floristic Region (CFR).
  3. From October 2013 to February 2014, 354 O. mykiss were removed by angling (58%), fyke netting (28%) and gill netting (14%). This resulted in a marked reduction, but not eradication, of the O. mykiss population (fish relative abundance decreased from 0.53 ± 0.09 fish per net per night in October 2013 to 0.21 ± 0.09 fish per net per night in February 2014). Following the cessation of manual removals, the relative abundance of O. mykiss had increased to 0.56 ± 0.18 fish per net per night by March 2016, suggesting that without sustained removal effort, the population will rapidly return to its pre‐removal abundance level.
  4. Further work is needed to refine the methodology and test the effectiveness of mechanical removal of non‐native freshwater fish in a variety of ecological settings in the CFR. This approach holds potential for meeting the dual goals of reducing the ecological impacts of non‐native fishes and generating employment opportunities in line with the policy objectives of developing nations.
  1. The Calapooia River in western Oregon supports a small winter steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population and historically supported spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Early timber harvesting removed the riparian forest, and log transportation practices simplified the channel. Those disturbance legacies continue to affect fish habitat by limiting shade and channel complexity, complicating conservation efforts.
  2. To evaluate juvenile salmonid rearing potential, macroinvertebrate drift, thermal regime and physical habitat were measured at eight sites in 24 km of the upper river during late summer baseflow.
  3. Overall physical habitat was simple, with few functioning instream structures or pools. During the 22‐day drift study, flows declined and maximum site stream temperatures ranged from 23.1°C at the lower end to 16.4°C 24 km upstream.
  4. Macroinvertebrate drift concentrations ranged from 0.7–13.7 ind. m?3 with biomasses from 0.02–1.23 mg m?3. Drift concentration biomass was higher upstream (P  = 0.006) than downstream and declined overall (P  < 0.001) during the study. Drift biomass was dominated by five taxon groups – Baetis tricaudatus, Calineuria californica, Hesperoperla pacifica, Simulium spp., and Chironomidae, which were 65% of total biomass. During twilight, total biomass and biomass of B. tricaudatus, Simulium spp., and Chironomidae (both larvae and adults) were higher.
  5. Total drift declined dramatically over the study period owing to decreases in drift concentration and a 58% decline in discharge, greatly reducing overall drift and available food resources for juvenile‐rearing salmonids.
  6. The upper catchment, both with cooler temperatures and higher food availability, provided the best conditions for juvenile anadromous salmonids to survive late summer conditions. Conservation consequences of climate change‐induced alterations in flow and temperature may further affect habitat quality for juvenile salmonids in this catchment in the coming decades.
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